The Science and Technology Park Luigi Danieli of Udine hosts the "Kick off meeting of the TRI ICT Project Interreg IV Italia - Austria"
WHO are you and WHAT does your company offer?
Hello, my name is Massimo Gregori, ICT Manager of BI@Work. We are a team of ICT expert and we developed a solution named BI4Data focused on call accounting and traffic analysis. BI4Data is based on a web interface in order to be easily used by anyone, from any OS from any place connected to the internet. BI4Data allows users to be aware of costs and resources associated with telecommunications. You can find more information at
What is your ADDED VALUE
BI4Data has a simple web user interface and we offer the opportunity to use it as a service. The BI4Data issue is to provide the information that allow the decision maker to take any decision with the required knowledge in telecommunications matters. BI4Data is currently used by small, medium and large companies in several areas like manufacturer, automation, public administration, health care, environment, press and media.
Do you think it's important to collaborate with Italian/Austrian enterprises and lead users? Why?
We will be very happy to collaborate with Austrian enterprises because BI4Data has been developed to solve most of the needs of the lead users and we believe in this opportunity to provide our solutions to them. Furthermore, we are very interested in covering the new market in the BI4Data distribution.
What do you expect from the TRI ICT project?
When the staff of BIC Trieste illustrated me the project, I accepted with enthusiasm to be part of the team! Much is the feedback I receive:
Free visibility, support in our first steps towards foreign markets, networking opportunities at the matchmaking that will be organized So... let us meet on-line in the Tri-ICT community or at the next Tri-ICT events!